Welcome to Thrive Pets Company’s Safety and Recall Center.

At Thrive Pets, it is our mission is to create products with the utmost highest quality and safety standards that enable your pets thrive. Above all else, we prioritize your pet’s safety and well-being so that we may continue to create products which help pets everywhere flourish.

As part of our commitment to transparency, we have established this dedicated space to swiftly inform you of any recalls impacting our company, brands, partners, or subsidiaries, so that you may take necessary measures if a product recall is issued.

Should we become aware of a recall, We are committed to taking swift to address potential recalls, working collaboratively with our manufacturing and distribution partners, as well as regulatory authorities such as the FDA, to ensure the affected products are swiftly removed from the market. Our commitment to authenticity and open communication allows us to keep you informed, providing guidance on how to safely handle and dispose of any affected products.

If you have purchased a product with a recalled lot number, please discontinue its use immediately, destroy the product securely, and dispose of it in a manner that prevents other animals from accessing it. By doing so, you are helping us uphold the highest standards of safety for the entire pet community. Please contact safety@thrivepets.co for further guidance and assistance in processing a refund or replacement.

Thank you for your trust and partnership in keeping our beloved pets safe and healthy. Together, we can create a better world for our furry friends.

Recall Alerts

Affected Brands:

SensoVet Product Recalls